Take away as well as lunch and brunch companies below.
Memorable Parties
A company is about many things. It's about the prelude. About to rejoice. Expectation of the good company of close and perhaps new friends.
It's about the table's joys. New flavors, delectable wines and memories that propagate to the topic of conversation many years after you still talk about the food, the company and
Can you remember that time ...? The memories that make a party something special and that is something we are very aware of.
At Mortens Kro we understand how to create memories, and we are every year
the focal point of many weddings, birthdays and celebrations. In addition to our private banqueting room, which accommodates up to 50 guests, we can stay up to 150 in the main restaurant.
At the same time, we reserve - at more than 60 guests - very much the whole house exclusively, so you have the opportunity to hold the party in good and luxurious surroundings - with high ceilings and room for arm movements, quite private. In the summer months we also offer fine outdoor facilities for receptions, tents in our courtyard around the fountain or welcome arrangements etc.
The possibilities are many and we have all the necessary facilities and equipment from music and microphone installations for canvas and projector. At the same time, we will make sure that your party will be exactly what you dream of. The mission is by all means to create the greatest possible moment of beauty for you and your guests.
Hereby a standing invitation to an informal conversation about how we can meet your wishes and needs.
See also the next page various examples of possibilities. Some may think that it is expensive to hold a party at Mortens Kro, but this often turns out to be far from being the case.
CONTACT karina@mortenskro.dk for offers / booking
Stående velkomstdrink: Evt i Gårdhaven spanks cava Brut Rose - Tjenere byder appetitvækkere rundt.
4 retters sæson tasting menu
Varm ret af friskfanget Vesterhavsfisk,
Skaldyrsret med kammuslingereller jomfruhummer,
Dansk krogmodnet kalvemørbrad serveret med Morkel sauce
Konditor Fabien Chevreuil´s dessert tallerken incl for dessert fra sæsonnens tasting menu.
½ fl chadonnay
½ flaske Cabernet Sauvignon
1 glas Dessertvin demi sec
Kaffe/te med 3 slags hjemmelavet sødt.
Pris pr. kuvert ved min. 25 kuverter kr. 1248,00
Hverdags pris - Mandag,tirsdag,onsdag ved minimum 30 kuverter 998,-
Customized /Tema Vi hører gerne om specielle ønsker, og vil gøre vores til, at din fest bliver præcis som du drømmer om.
Derfor inviterer vi dig også gerne på et glas vin/kaffe og går sammen sagerne igennem, for herefter at komme med et samlet oplæg på arrangementet.